Bi-weekly Newsletter from KCG
Jan, 16th - 31st, 2013


  Introduction: The bi-weekly newsletter from Kent Consultancy Group (KCG) is dedicated to share our news and best practices on serving customers as a top tier educational consulting firm. It is designed to assist you to understand more about the value propositions and mission of KCG.  




  A Different Approach to Teach English in China  

English teaching in China emphasizes knowledge such as grammar rules and principles. The traditional ways are primarily confined to activities like reciting the text, doing plenty of exercises and tests, and then checking answers with teachers. This method, to a great extent, results in a problem that most students fail to effectively use English as a tool of communication in daily life. Normally graduates from high school actually can hardly express their ideas in English, both in oral and written language; even they have been trained in Chinese school from grade 1 of preliminary school.

Witnessing this problem, KCG is trying a different approach to teach English. Using the same textbook as the students adopted at schools, the first goal is to help students score high at school which is the typical requirement from parents; The second goal, which is more important from our perspective, is to help students actually use English to express themselves and develop the ability of thinking, speaking and writing in English.

Here are some components of this new approach. First of all, the class will be conducted in English even it will be tough for those students who have limited language foundation; Focusing on textbook learning, students are supposed to explain words from textbook in English. This is no easy job at beginning. For example, the word “ride” in Chinese is “骑”, but it is difficult to explain it in English. If you learn its original definition and know that it means “sit on and make go”, it will amaze you. Another important learning from textbook is about pronunciation, reading comprehension and paraphrasing. By reciting the textbook, teacher will correct students’ pronunciation and make sure they understand the text passage. More importantly, students will be asked to paraphrase the text passage in their own words. Of course, the drills on grammar and exercises will be covered even they are the main content of learning at school. Finally, students will be given chances to do presentation, talking their own stories around the topic of the textbook.





  Liberal Arts Education in Chinese Public Schools  

A liberal arts education is an educational idea. It strives to form students into free-thinking and well-rounded citizens who take an active part in civic life. Essential subjects and skills, including philosophy, rhetoric, logic, etc., are part of the core curriculum at western education systems. For example, many U.S colleges adopt liberal arts curriculum into undergraduate studies. The teaching is typically Socratic with smaller classes, a lower student-to-teacher ratio, and more interactions between students and teachers.

Educators from Chinese public high schools, especially those from international curriculum, have discerned the necessity of liberal arts education. Inspired by their ideas, KCG is considering introducing a liberal arts curriculum in the market with help of some foreign faculties. It could be some trial courses, designed for students from grade 7, like western / American History and Literature, interwoven with the current curriculum at schools, or it could be an independent training course as a supplementary to the normal trainings on Math and sciences. This could be a new movement to provide a balanced learning for students about western culture, history and literature apart from what they have been taught in the areas of Math and Sciences. This training is extremely helpful for prospective students of U.S boarding schools or colleges.

Information about Liberal Arts is sourced from Wikipedia.org.





  KCG Sets Up Systematic SAT Grammar Course  

Grammar is an indispensable part of the SAT. Perhaps it is not a big problem for Chinese students because the English curriculum in Chinese schools focuses heavily on grammar rules. However, students who study abroad lack this type of formal grammar education. KCG is taking this issue into consideration seriously, and is looking to adopt emphatic approaches towards solving this problem.

From KCG’s observation, most students just stick into abundance of the grammar exercises at the very beginning of the SAT preparation, ignoring to build a solid foundation on grammar. Therefore, it is necessary to guide these students to learn SAT grammar more systematically. For example, students can begin with learning grammar rules and principles. Consequently, KCG is considering a grammar course to address this issue. The methodology of the grammar course is fundamental. First, elementary categories are clarified based on the Writing Section in the past papers. These categories include parallelism, agreement of subject and predicate, collocation, etc. Then we tailor these categories into lessons, integrating some typical examples and exercise accordingly.

With the help of this course, students can not only improve their SAT scores, but also write English more clearly, effectively, and concisely.


节选自《爱因斯坦:生活和宇宙》第25-26页 沃尔特 艾萨克森著


对于爱因斯坦来说,这是一所再合适不过的学校了。这里的教学理念源于十九世纪初期瑞士著名的教育改革家约翰 亨里希 裴斯泰洛齐的理论。 裴斯泰洛齐坚信应当鼓励学生将抽象的概念可视化。同时,他认为培养每个学生的“内在的尊严”和个性非常的重要。裴斯泰洛齐曾说,应当引导学生通过实地观察、直觉处理、概念化思考及具象理解的过程,对事物作出自己的判断。这种方法对于理解和掌握数学、物理的法则同样适用。应当避免死记硬背、机械记忆和填鸭式的教学。


阿劳的裴斯泰洛齐及其后人所坚持的视觉化的思维方式,成就了爱因斯坦天赋中的重要一部分。“视觉化理解是教学生如何判断事物的最本质乃至唯一的方法。” 裴斯泰洛齐写道,“相比较而言,对于数字和语言的学习才是次要的。”


  Aarau, The School Albert Einstein Admired  

A Script from the Book “Einstein: His Life and Universe” by Walter Isaacson, Page 25-26

…Instead, Einstein decided, on the advice of the college's director, to spend a year preparing at the cantonal school in the village of Aarau, twenty-five miles to the west.

It was a perfect school for Einstein. The teaching was based on the philosophy of a Swiss educational reformer of the early nineteenth century, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, who believed in encouraging students to visualize images. He also thought it important to nurture the “inner dignity” and individuality of each child. Students should be allowed to reach their own conclusions, Pestalozzi preached, by using a series of steps that began with hands-on observations and then proceeded to intuitions, conceptual thinking, and visual imagery. It was even possible to learn-and truly understand-the laws of math and physics that way. Rote drills, memorization, and force-fed facts were avoided.

Einstein loved Aarau. “Pupils were treated individually,” his sister recalled, “more emphasis was placed on independent thought than on punditry, and young people saw the teacher not as a figure of authority, but, alongside the student, a man of distinct personality.” It was the opposite of the German education that Einstein had hated. “When compared to six years' schooling at a German authoritarian gymnasium,” Einstein later said, “it made me clearly realize how much superior an education based on free action and personal responsibility is to one relying on outward authority.”

The visual understanding of concepts, as stressed by Pestalozzi and his followers in Aarau, became a significant aspect of Einstein's genius. “Visual understanding is the essential and only true means of teaching how to judge things correctly,” Pestalozzi wrote, and “the learning of numbers and language must be definitely subordinated.”

Not surprisingly, it was at this school that Einstein first engaged in the visualized thought experiment that would help make him the greatest scientific genius of his time: he tried to picture what it would be like to ride alongside a light beam. “In Aarau I made my first rather childish experiments in thinking that had a direct bearing on the Special Theory,” he later told a friend. “If a person could run after a light wave with the same speed as light, you would have a wave arrangement which could be completely independent of time. Of course, such a thing is impossible.”

  Thank you for your time!  
  For more information, please feel free to contact us:  
  Shenzhen Kent Consultancy Co. Ltd.  
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  Add:1507,Eastern Block,Coastal Building,Third Haide Road.Nanshan District,Shenzhen,Guangdong Province,P.R.China  
  P.C. : 518054              Tel : 86270330              Fax : 86270377  
  http://www.kentcg.com      Email : Xiaohong.qian@kentcg.com