Bi-weekly Newsletter from KCG
Oct. 16th - 31st, 2013


  Introduction: The bi-weekly newsletter from Kent Consultancy Group (KCG) is dedicated to share our news and best practices on serving customers as a top tier educational consulting firm. It is designed to assist you to understand more about the value propositions and mission of KCG.



这种专业化咨询服务作为一套解决方案可由几个模块组成。第一个模块是评估/规划。 在专业测试工具的帮助下,对学生的学业,天赋,性格,兴趣及职业方向等进行测评并有专业的咨询师提供相应的评估,规划报告。 第二模块是协助学生在校或在工业界做学业/研究/调查/实习/工作。这部分的服务需要提高实施计划所需的资源和指导。第三模块是协助研究生院申请或找工作。升学辅导的服务在市场上已很成熟,研究生院的申请也不例外。但我们提到的是个性化的服务。比如,专业的升学服务包括提前帮助学生与申请的目标大学的老师甚至是教授建立联络等。帮助找工作就更是个性化的服务,太多不确定因素,而且很难保证成功。


  Professional counseling for college students  

Even though, College students are normally quite matured in age and have already had years of educational experiences, yet, they still need professional counseling services in terms of academic / research planning, guidance on preparation for graduate / professional school, and preparation for career path / employment. At this point, if there is a genetic guideline, covering the important components mentioned above, for freshmen students when they enter colleges, that will be a very instrumental assistance for those new comers. Furthermore, if those services can be tailor made, that will be even more helpful to those college students. Colleges and universities do provide some general services around career planning, guiding on job hunting and even various internship, employment opportunities, especially for junior and senior students. However, systematic and professional services on individual basis are not seen in the market or in practices.

The professional counseling services as a package could be consisted of few valuable components. First modular will be Evaluation / Assessment / Planning. In this part, student will be evaluated in terms of academics, talents, personal qualities, interest, and career aspiration and so on. An individual based planning on college / graduate education and career development will be generated by experienced professional consultants. The second modular will be Assistance on Academics / Research / Investigation / Internship / Working at college or in the industries, which includes the further guiding and implementing the plan of the first modular. In executing process, there should be some resources provided for the realization of those plans. The third modular will be Assistance on Preparation for Graduate School Application or Job Hunting. For school placement services, even it is about graduate schools, they are quite matured in the market. But we discussed here is a kind of much individual based guidance for the whole process of application. For instance, the professional services on graduate school application could offer unique links between the students and their targeted schools’ faculties / professors previous formal application process. Assistance on job hunting will be a highly customized services and is normally could not be guaranteed for success given its difficult level and various uncertainties.

Theoretically, the professional counseling services as defined above is definitely a great thing worth a trial, because it will bring benefit to those college students, who have opportunity to enjoy the services, in their college education period and beyond. For those who want to seriously provide this type of services, it is a very tough call. It takes time and various resources to build up the whole package with high quality. Given it is character of individuality, this professional services are especially difficult. Nevertheless, it is a career doable for those professionals dedicated on education.



1. 首先,你要清楚你要向面试官传递什么信息,你是什么样的学生,什么样的人.搞清楚这点后,你在回答每个问题时,可以以这些要点为主线,就你的性格,你的过去以及未来来展开你的陈述.

2. 面试时放松自然地回答问题很好,但还不够.如果你想要给面试官留下好的印象并对你的申请产生正面的影响,对有难度的问题作好准备还是很有必要的.

3. `有一些面试中常问到的问题,如”为什么申请我们学校/项目?”, “你在高中的学业兴趣是什么?在大学想学什么?”比如约翰对数学和历史感兴趣,尝试分享喜欢这两门学科背后的原因以及为什么喜欢数学,同时又喜欢历史,这两者之间的关联等.

4. 你是什么类型的人?有什么样的个性?当你说你有热情,你应该举一些例子,讲讲你以前做过的,富有激情的事.如果你是风趣,幽默地人,你会自然地在与面试官的交谈中表现出来,用不着直白的告诉她,或他,你很风趣,幽默,而也许她并不觉得你有这些特点.

5. 把面试官当作你的朋友,使得你的面试成为一次有趣的交谈, 给面试官留下深刻印象.

6. 如果你在回答问题时卡住了,不知如何回答.不要急于讲一些不着边的话,不妨停顿,思考一下,再做答

. 7. 对你申请的学校,你要准备几个有分量的问题.比如经常用到的,”贵校与其他优秀的学校相比,有什么不一样的地方和特点?”

8. 同时,你能给学校带来什么价值也是很重要的你应该准备的内容.比如说,你和一般的中国学生不一样,只关心分数.你能更好融入美国文化,交更多的美国朋友,与同学开玩笑,打成一片等.这样,你使得你成为一个中国学生的代表,甚至可以帮助其他中国学生更好地适应环境.

9. 你在大学的计划是什么?你的优点缺点是什么?你成功和失败的经历?等都是会经常问到的问题,你应该认真准备如何回答.

10. 着装,穿一件外套应该就可以了.当然,穿的正式不会有负面影响,至少表示你对面试的重视.


  Some comments from a professional interviewer  

Interview is an especially important process for college application. This is the season for some high school students in USA and China to prepare for their interview. To help those students for their preparation, our advisers have shared some of their comments and guidelines in the following:

1. At top of everything, you should be clear about what messages about who you are, what type of student and person, you want to tell the interviewer; With this idea in mind, you should address each question in terms of your traits, history, interest, etc. consistent with this point.

2. To be natural in responding interview questions is good, but to be better prepared with some difficult questions is necessary if you wish your interview report to be impressive and supportive to your application.

3. There are couple of typical interview questions such as "Why this school / program?", "What are your academic interest at high school in related to what you want to study at college?". For instance, if John is interested on Math and History, try to elaborate the motivation behind and rational between interest on Math and History.

4. What type of person are you? Your personalities? When telling people you are passionate, you should show something you have done with great enthusiasm. If you are a funny or humorous person, you can naturally present that character to interviewer during the conversation without telling him or her plainly. Try share more concrete and specific stories, and details of your experiences, instead of generic description about who you are.

5. Treat the interviewer as a friend of you, making the interview an interesting and funny conversation. That will be more impressive for the interviewer to remember you.

6. In case you have difficulty to answer a question, it is okay to take a pause and give a thought about the question before you figure out what to say, instead of just responding some irrelevant issues without thinking.

7. You should prepare some good questions in your hands about the school you are applying. A typical question you can ask is "In what ways does this school differ from other good schools?"

8. Meanwhile, your contribution to the school community is very important area you need to address. For instance, you are not typical Chinese students who care only their grades. You are more adapted to the US culture, making more American friends than normal Chinese students, making jokes with classmates etc. Those will help you to position yourself as an exemplary Chinese student and you can share and help other Chinese students to adopt the environment better.

9. Your plan at colleges? Your strength and weakness? Your success and failure? those are normal questions may asked during an interview. You need think about how to address them.

10. Dressing code, dress in a suit could be okay. It never hurts when you dress up and show your seriousness about the interview.

Be well prepared, relax and enjoy talking with a new friend / potential alumni!



“是该决定的时候了!”, 她对自己。.莉莎从小在父母和姥姥、姥爷的呵护下长大,什么事情都给她安排好。长这么大,这还是头一回她自己琢磨自己的大事,还要拿主意。从前,她只负责上学学习,回家,做功课,参加考试拿成绩单。看看在班上和年级排老几,这就是她的生活。


从专业的角度来看,莉莎的决策点选择的还不算晚,她还有一年多一点的时间去准备美国大学申请。按照她的基础来看,上一个不错的美国大学应该问题不大。可是还有很多与莉莎境况类似的学生没有及时作出选择,他们还是自觉不自觉地耗在高考这条道上,直到最后高考张榜看到令人失望的结果,家长们才不得不匆忙地去找中介, 也不管上什么学校,把孩子送出去念书算是万事大吉。这通常开启孩子一段国外学习的不愉快经历。总体而言,这是个悲剧。

  It is time to make up mind  

Lisa Wu is a girl of grade 11 student in a magnate high school in Beijing. She was a smart student with very competitive scores when entering this famous school a year ago. At that time she was ambitious and dreamed of studying in the most famous higher schools like Beijing University or Tsinghua University. Unfortunately, one year later, she found out that the picture she had drawn is becoming apparently impractical because she is now struggling with her grades at school. What could she do? Continue with the existing track of GaoKao or changing her mind and trying another path, going abroad?

“It is time to make up my mind”, she said to herself. Never before, had she thought about the decision making issue, as she grew up in a lovely family with both her parents and her grand parents together and everything has been set up well for her. What she needs to care is just go to school, taking lessons, and come back home, doing home work and assignment. In the middle term or at the end of semester, she ought to get back some decent scores and a good ranking in the class. Basically, that is her life.

The family had been thinking about the plan of studying outside of China a year before. However, the parents are very democratic on decision making, leaving her to decide where she wants to study after high school. To get some firsthand experiences, last summer in 2012, they arranged a trip for Lisa, travelling with some other students in USA and took summer camp in some schools and visited few big cities, like LA, NYC etc. But, Lisa had no strong intention after the tour. After one year study at one of the best high schools in Beijing, Lisa felt great pressure ahead of her if she wants to continue to take GaoKao in less than two years. She can forecast the result which will be not very satisfied from whatever standards. Naturally, as many other Chinese high school students from Beijing did, Lisa finally made up her mind to change her track from GaoKao to studying abroad in USA for college education. Quickly, she talked her parents in and they embarked on the new venture of college application to USA.

Reflecting from professional point of view, Lisa has around one year for her preparation which is acceptable time fame given her background as top tire high school student. Unfortunately, there are many students like Lisa who are not making the tough call now and are still dragging in the GaoKao track. Eventually, they will end up with disappointed result. Until then, students and parents will rush to the agent services for the purpose of just sending their children abroad for whatever reasons and to whatever schools. That is normally the starting point of an unsatisfactory journey for those young people. It is a tragedy as a whole.

  Thank you for your time!  
  For more information, please feel free to contact us:  
  Shenzhen Kent Consultancy Co. Ltd.  
  地址: 中国广东省深圳市南山区海德三道海岸城东座1507  
  Add:1507,Eastern Block,Coastal Building,Third Haide Road.Nanshan District,Shenzhen,Guangdong Province,P.R.China  
  P.C. : 518054              Tel : 86270330              Fax : 86270377  
  http://www.kentcg.com      Email : Xiaohong.qian@kentcg.com