Bi-weekly Newsletter from KCG
Nov. 1st - 15th, 2013


  Introduction: The bi-weekly newsletter from Kent Consultancy Group (KCG) is dedicated to share our news and best practices on serving customers as a top tier educational consulting firm. It is designed to assist you to understand more about the value propositions and mission of KCG.


William Fitzzsimmons, 哈佛大学招生与财政资助院院长
Marlyn E.McGrath, 哈佛大学院招生院主任
Charles Ducey 哈佛大学教育研究生院,心理学助理讲师












● 家庭应该允许在假期、周末,或在一周中的某几个用餐时间,或其他休息时间设立一段“短暂休息时间”。家庭生活已然受到了家长越来越大的工作压力的侵扰。一些家长自己亲身经历了第一波快车般仓促的童年,也经常会为自己奉献给孩子那少的可怜的不受干扰的空闲时间而感到担忧。

● 把夏天找回来。暑假不必全部安排计划缜密的暑期项目,例如暑期班、旅行项目、或者体育训练营。这种活动换种方式可能会更好。可以召集“同龄人超级集会”,设定几乎不可能达到的标准。在活动中,每个人按自己的速度进行,可能会更有趣,更有帮助。传统的夏季工作与学校生活完全不同:学生可以遇到不同背景,不同年龄和生活经历的陌生人。这种方式提供了心理上的休整时间,开启了未来可能性的一扇窗,因此是非常宝贵的。学生需要有足够的时间反思,休养(也就是“休养”自己不受要成功的压力的影响),积蓄力量应对下一学年。

● 选择一所高中(或大学)不仅仅凭“名校”或者声誉,而是选择最合适自己的。从长远来看,步伐更慢,在学术或课外侧重有所不同的学校可能更适合某些学生。




  Time Out or Burn Out for the Next Generation  

William Fitzsimmons, Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, Harvard College
Marlyn E. McGrath, Director of Admissions, Harvard College
Charles Ducey, Adjunct Lecturer in Psychology, Harvard Graduate School of Education

College admissions officers, especially those who admitted the parents of today's applicants, have an unusual vantage point from which to observe changes from one generation to the next. Many of us are concerned that the pressures on today's students seem far more intense than those placed on previous generations. College admission - the chance to position oneself for "success" through the acquisition of the "right" college degree - looms large for increasing numbers of students. Particularly because selective colleges are perceived to be part of the problem, we want to do everything possible to help the students we enroll make the most of their opportunities, avoiding the much-reported "burnout" phenomenon that can keep them from reaching their full potential.

Of course, the quest for college admission is only one aspect of a much larger syndrome driving many students today. Stories about the latest twenty-something multimillionaires, the astronomical salaries for athletes and pop-music stars, and the often staggering compensation packages for CEOs only stimulate the frenzied search for the brass ring. More than ever, students (and their parents) seek to emulate those who win the "top prizes" and the accompanying disproportionate rewards.

From the Cradle On...
The chase for the prize begins early, and some recent reports sound hyperbolic. Anecdotes abound of infants serenaded with classical music to enhance their mental powers; toddlers overwhelmed with computers and "educational" toys; "experts" guilt-tripping parents by telling them that their children will be hopelessly behind by age three or four if they don't follow myriad prescribed strategies.

Consultants are paid thousands of dollars to prepare toddlers for the "all- important" interview and observed play-time that will determine admission to the "right" pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, or primary school - thereby presumably ensuring admission to the right high school, college, graduate school, and so on. The consultant will teach the child to maintain eye contact in the interview and to demonstrate both leadership and sharing during the observed play sequence. The competition for admission to some of the Pre-K, Kindergarten, and grammar schools can be intense - statistically more difficult (with lower admission rates) than Harvard.

Once in the "right" school, students are pushed along by teachers, by outside tutors and, if they stumble, by learning specialists who will help them approach their studies in the most efficient manner. The school day continues well into the night with structured study time and drills. The pressure can be relentless, even from well- intentioned parents. For the most part, they simply want the best for their children who, they fear, will be left by the wayside by other high achievers.

Sports, music, dance, and other recreational activities used to provide a welcome break, a time to relax and unwind. No more: training for college scholarships - or professional contracts - begins early, even in grammar school. Professional instruction, summer camps, and weekly practice and game schedules consume many hours and nearly all free time. Student and family commuting logistics become byzantine in their complexity. Even "play-time" is often structured and enriched with just the right mix of appropriate playmates and educational activities. Summer vacations have become a thing of the past. The pace of the day and the year allows little time simply "to be a kid" - or, it seems, to develop into a complete human being.

The Middle School/High School Fast Track
By high school, the pressure intensifies. Students start to specialize in one activity even to the exclusion of other pursuits. Athletes, dancers, musicians and others begin to define themselves by their chosen activity as they try to perfect their new-found talents and identities.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has warned of possible physical and psychological damage that can result from specializing in a sport prematurely. For every Tiger Woods success story, there are countless other less happy results. Some students participate in programs that take up as much time as school. Fast-track athletic teams compete or practice most days - with weekend-consuming road games, and national or international schedules during summers and vacations. A serious athlete or musician or dancer may change schools for a better athletic program, even moving far away from home to do so, and perhaps to an academically weaker school.

Academic demands also ratchet up, supported by special tutors and the beginnings of SAT prep in middle school. In high school, SAT prep becomes a way of life for some students, with night and weekend sessions. The "right" SAT tutors may command several hundred dollars per hour, and can be engaged to live during the summer at or near their tutees' beach houses. Summer "cram schools" for the SATs are increasingly common, as are summer school sessions at the best prep schools and universities, some beginning in middle school.

The Quest for the Right College
Professional college counselors (either independent or school-based) appear on the scene early, sometimes in middle school, to begin to structure students' academic and extracurricular profiles for entrance to the "right" college. At its best, such advice can be helpful in assessing talents, goals, and making "mid-course corrections" that can make a real difference in students' lives. From a more cynical perspective, such advice steers students toward travel abroad, community service, or other activities solely to enhance college application essays or interviews. Such services may command thousands of dollars, and assistance in preparing applications ranges from appropriate to plagiaristic. Videotaped mock college interviews are features of some packages, as are guided tours of colleges. An array of services start in ninth grade ("or seventh or eighth grade for no extra charge") for fees of over $30,000. More specific services include Essay Review, which offers "brainstorming session and as many revisions as necessary". Such services can add to, rather than alleviate, the stress of the normal expectations of school, community, and family life. Their "products", such as overly-slick essays, can even hurt a student's admissions chances as they can sometimes be easy to spot in the admissions process.

The pressure of gaining entrance to the most selective colleges is commonly blamed for much of the stress we observe. But those of us who work in college admissions recognize that college is only one of many destinations in the fast lane. The accumulation of "credentials" simply continues to intensify as the stakes increase. The "right" graduate school looms after college, and the "right" sequence of jobs is next. Such attainments make it possible to live in the "right" kinds of communities and to begin the job of bringing up the following generation, one that might need to vault even higher hurdles.

The Fallout
Faced with the fast pace of growing up today, some students are clearly distressed, engaging in binge drinking and other self-destructive behaviors. Counseling services of secondary schools and colleges have expanded in response to greatly increased demand. It is common to encounter even the most successful students, who have won all the "prizes," stepping back and wondering if it was all worth it. Professionals in their thirties and forties - physicians, lawyers, academics, business people and others - sometimes give the impression that they are dazed survivors of some bewildering life-long boot-camp. Some say they ended up in their profession because of someone else's expectations, or that they simply drifted into it without pausing to think whether they really loved their work. Often they say they missed their youth entirely, never living in the present, always pursuing some ill-defined future goal.

Some Early Remedies
What can we do to help? Fortunately this young fast-track generation itself offers ideas that can reduce stress and prevent burnout. In college application essays and interviews, in conversations and counseling sessions with current college students, and in discussions with alumni/ae, many current students perceive the value of taking time out. Such a "time out" can take many forms. It can be very brief or last for a year or more. It can be structured or unstructured, and directed toward career, academic or purely personal pursuits. Most fundamentally, it is a time to step back and reflect, to gain perspective on personal values and goals, or to gain needed life experience in a setting separate from and independent of one's accustomed pressures and expectations.

For the years during high school, here is some of the advice students have offered:
● Families should allow for "down-time" during vacations, weekends, and during the week at mealtimes or at any other break in the action. The fabric of family life is already under assault from the demands of parents' increasingly stressful jobs. Parents, some of whom experienced the first wave of fast-lane childhoods themselves, are often distressed by how little uninterrupted free time they have to devote to their children.

● Bring summer back. Summer need not be totally consumed by highly structured programs, such as summer schools, travel programs, or athletic camps. While such activities can be wonderful in many ways, they can also add to stress by assembling "super peers" who set nearly impossible standards. Activities in which one can develop at one's own pace can be much more pleasant and helpful. An old-fashioned summer job that provides a contrast to the school year or allows students to meet others of differing backgrounds, ages, and life experiences is often invaluable in providing psychological downtime and a window on future possibilities. Students need ample free time to reflect, to recreate (i.e. to "re-create" themselves without the driving pressure to achieve as an influence), and to gather strength for the school year ahead.

● Choose a high school (or a college) not simply by "brand name" or reputation but because it is the best fit. A school with a slower pace or a different academic or extracurricular focus can be a better match for certain students in the long run.

Using the Senior Year
The senior year of high school presents some special challenges and opportunities. The U.S. Department of Education's Commission on the High School Senior Year calls the senior year a "lost opportunity that we need to reclaim." While some students try to get by with as littlework as possible, others find it the most stressful year of their lives, with more demanding courses, more leadership responsibilities in their extracurricular activities, and the added burden of applying to college and taking the requisite college entrance tests.

There is often great tension about choosing and being admitted to the "right" college. Students and their families react to this particular stress in a number of ways, and many want the college admissions process over with as soon as possible.

Source from Harvard Universitys Official Website

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