Bi-weekly Newsletter from KCG
Apr. 1st - 15th, 2014


  Introduction: The bi-weekly newsletter from Kent Consultancy Group (KCG) is dedicated to share our news and best practices on serving customers as a top tier educational consulting firm. It is designed to assist you to understand more about the value propositions and mission of KCG.


10. 对按需发放经济资助的院校而言,申请经济资助不会影响录取结果。私立大学的高教育成本,只有少数家庭能够轻松承担。如果你认为你需要帮助,那就应该毫不犹豫的去申请。如果你申请资助等到你被录取时才着手,你或许已失去申请资格, 最终一无所获。

9. 预估的家庭贡献(EFC)不是学校资助办公室扣除支付家庭其它生活费用后”留存”的用于大学的花费。基于需求的分析更能决定一个家庭(包括离婚,无监护家庭)可以消化的长期的在教育上的成本。这意味着经济资助办公室将考虑所有的累计资产,上个年度的收入和当年的收入,借贷的能力。一个家庭如何从这三个来源来满足EFC是个个人的选择,但是所有这些都会被考虑。

8. 诸如个人储蓄, 房屋资产和投资类的资产通常不是决定一个家庭的EFC的主要因素。拥有这些财产的家庭当然比那些没有的要宽裕,所以他们必须在考虑之列。但对大多数家庭来说,最大部分的EFC来源于收入,而不是资产。过去一直在存款的家庭也会处境不错。因为他们用不着借钱就能用他们积攒的资产来更好的满足EFC。

7. 做需求分析时一般不会考虑每月的债务支出。每个家庭获得的补贴(基于家庭规模,地点,父母和兄弟姐妹的年龄等因素)包括住房,食物,交通和其他生活开支。然而,需求分析并不将家庭每月的房屋按揭,购车贷款和其他债务开销考虑在内。否则,经济资助项目会冒变相补贴那些选择举债的家庭的风险, 这对选择不举债的家庭而言是不公平的。这有背平等对待所有家庭,按需发放助学金的公平原则。

6. 非无节制开销的费用(例如,医疗费,兄弟姐妹私立学校费用等)将会纳入需求分析的考虑范围。每个家庭的财政状况都是不一样的,你应该尽量跟我们分享你的家庭遇到的任何不同寻常的开销,以使这些因素有可能会纳入你EFC的考虑范围。

5. 其他兄弟姐妹的大学的费用是要计算在内的。如果一个家庭支持多个孩子同时在大学学习, 在计算EFC时会获得一个大额的减项。 这就是为什么经济资助没有设收入的"门槛值"的原因, 超过这个门槛值的家庭没有资格获得资助。该减项的数额取决于兄弟姐妹就读院校的开支。

4. 让自己更熟悉学校的经济资助的网站。你会在这里找到该校关于经济资助申请方面更具体的信息,如申请截止日期,需要完成的申请文件,资助“套餐’的政策,资助“套餐’中的各个部分,对待校外奖学金的政策,海外留学是否提供经济资助以及林林种种的教育贷款等。

3. 结识你申请大学的经济资助申请顾问。从长远来看,与经济资助申请顾问开诚布公地分享关于你家庭的财政状况或许比去结识招生办的工作人员来得更重要。无论你被哪所大学录取,或最终选择去哪所学校,熟识了解你家经济状况的大学经济资助申请顾问可能是你最重要的资源。

2. 不要错过截止日期。为了成功申请到自己够格申请的经济资助,你必须在申请的截止日期前完成申请。错过了截止日期,你可能颗粒无收。

1. 经济资助办公室的首要目标是追求达到理想的EFC,使得每个被学校录取的学生在经济上有能力来就读,而且是要以一种对所有申请经济资助的家庭都公平的方式来达成这个目标。这是所有按需发放经济资助的学校努力要实现的目标。你能越多地与经济资助办公室分享你的家庭财政状况的信息,他们就越有可能实现他们的目标。

  This is information from the top tier liberal art college, the Middlebury College, which is ranked as number 4th in all the US liberal art schools according to US News.
  Top 10 Things to Understand about Financial Aid

10. At need-blind institutions, applying for financial aid does not impact admissions decisions. The cost of a private college education is such that few families are able to meet the cost without some sacrifices, and frequently without some help. If you think you may need that help, you should not hesitate to apply for it. If you wait on applying for aid until you find out if you are admitted, you may be disqualifying yourself from receiving anything!

9. The Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) is not what a financial aid office thinks a family has “left over” for college expenses after they have covered all of their other living costs. Need analysis is much more a process of determining how much a family (including the non-custodial family, in cases of divorce) can afford to absorb in educational costs over time. That means that a financial aid office will take into consideration all accumulated assets, prior year and current income, and borrowing capacity. How a family meets its EFC from those three sources is a matter of personal choice, but all of them will be considered.

8. Assets, such as personal savings, home equity, and investments, are usually not the primary “drivers” that determine a family's EFC. Families that have such assets are better off than those who do not, so they have to be taken into consideration, but for most families, the greatest portion of the EFC is derived from income, not assets. Families that have saved systematically in the past are still far better off for having done so, since they are in a better position to meet the EFC from those assets than those who have to borrow to do so.

7. Monthly debt payments are typically not taken into consideration by need analysis. Every family receives allowances (based on factors such as family size, location, and age of parents and siblings) toward housing, food, transportation and other living costs. However, need analysis does not factor in the actual amount that families pay for their home mortgages, car loans, and other debts. To do otherwise would run the risk of subsidizing with financial aid the choices that some families have made that others have not, since need-based financial aid attempts to treat all families equally.

6. Non-discretionary expenses (e.g., medical costs, siblings' private school costs, etc.) are taken into consideration in need analysis. Every family's financial situation is unique, and you should feel free to share any unusual expenses that your family confronts in case they could be factored into your EFC.

5. Support for other siblings in college counts! Families that are supporting more than one son or daughter in college at the same time can receive a substantial reduction in their EFC as a result. That is why there are no income “cut-offs” above which families are not eligible to receive aid. The amount of the reduction may depend upon the relative cost of the institutions attended by other siblings.

4. Familiarize yourself with the Financial Aid section of the college website. This is where you will find information specific to that college concerning financial aid application deadlines, the documents required to complete an aid application, the aid packaging policies, the components of an aid package, policies concerning the treatment of outside scholarships, whether financial aid is available for study abroad, and types and terms of various education loans.

3. Get to know the financial aid counselors at the colleges to which you are applying. In the long run, openly sharing information with them about your family's financial situation may be even more important than getting to know the Admissions Office staff. Whatever institution you are admitted to and choose to attend, the familiarity of the financial aid staff with your family's financial situation may be your most important resource.

2. Deadlines matter. In order to be able to receive any financial aid for which you may be eligible, you need to apply by the deadline. Missing a deadline may result in your not receiving any aid at all.

And the #1 thing that families need to understand about need-based financial aid is:
1. The primary goal of any financial aid office is to arrive at an EFC that makes it possible for any admitted student to attend that institution, and to do so in a way that is fair to all of the other families applying for financial aid. This is a goal that all need-based colleges strive to achieve. The more information you can share with the financial aid office about your family's financial situation, the more able they will be to meet that goal.

[An extract from Middlebury College's official website.]

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