Bi-weekly Newsletter from KCG
May 1st - 15th, 2014


  Introduction: The bi-weekly newsletter from Kent Consultancy Group (KCG) is dedicated to share our news and best practices on serving customers as a top tier educational consulting firm. It is designed to assist you to understand more about the value propositions and mission of KCG.





“高三那一年我压力特别大,我以为自己可能考不上自己想要去的学校,就算考上了,我也不知道我是否能支付学费。所以在努力做好AP功课的同时,我还要去完成所有的申请文书。如果那时有远程导师这种模式来帮我就太好了! 我很开心自己能有机会帮助其他人减少压力。所以对于家境一般的学生,他们有必要知道上名牌大学并非不可能。”
--远程导师: 克莱儿.兰恩 伊利诺斯州河畔镇

--远程导师:艾希莉阿尔玛托 纽约西奈山

作为文理学院的领头学校,我们切身地了解美国最好的大学希望从学生身上看到什么东西。我们知道 -- 不是你的支付能力 -- 是你的潜力是决定你能否在选拔极其严格的学院或大学得到世界级教育的关键因素。因此,这些学校为世界各的学生敞开大门,提供无与伦比的资源和机会。为了确保你能找到最好的大学并处理好申请和经济资助的一系列手续。我们邀请你参加我们的远程导师项目。该项目是免费的,她让你联系到与你有相似背景,受过专门训练的导师。 这里所有的导师都是阿默斯特学院的学生。他们中有很多人是家里的第一个大学生--他们都需要高额的经济资助。他们可以帮助你搜索大学和完成申请流程。并帮助你选择适合你的学校。你可以通过电子邮件和电话与他们交流。

1. 搜索大学; 导师可以帮助你找到有关信息包括你未听说过的学校,他们帮助你明确从某个学校里要获取哪些信息,并教你如何评估哪些学校符合你的兴趣和个性。
2. 申请;导师在申请的各个方面都可以给你提供帮助。他们非常专业,从完成高质量的申请文书到如何获得费用减免。他们无一不精。
3. 经济资助;导师可以指导你完成FAFSA, PROFILE和其他经济资助的申请。他们也可以帮你解读并对比不同学校所提供的经济资助方案,包括贷款和奖学金。
4. 调整以及社会问题;导师可以回答有关高校日常生活的任何一个问题。无论你是想知道那边的工作强度,还是人们的衣着。这些问题你都可以咨询他们。


爱德瓦尔多,加西亚, 远程导师,德克萨斯.休斯顿

爱德瓦尔多在德克萨斯州休斯顿长大,从未听说过阿默斯特学院。他从未去过比达拉斯更北的地方, 只是想上一个德州的大学. 直到他作为少数名族学生获得高分而有幸参加一个大学交友会才得以了解阿默斯特学院及其他文理学院。埃迪说:“远程导师项目本可以给我提供帮助。甚至当决定跳出德克萨斯州后,我还是自己独立完成了所有的大学搜索任务。假使能跟在校大学生哪怕沟通一下,也会帮助很大”。



  Telementoring Program

The “Telementoring Program” from the Amherst College (2nd in ranking) is very valuable for many Chinese students who are applying to US colleges and universities. They provide direct resources and coaching services from well trained current students. They will help you to know this school better and coach you on how to handle various questions about college application. So, as information sharing, we posted related information here for your reference and hope it helps.

The Telementoring Program at Amherst College
Telementors are full-time Amherst College students who have been extensively trained in admissions and financial aid procedures for first year students. They also have real-life experience with the process—and know what it’s like to be from diverse backgrounds.

My senior year in high school was really stressful. I didn’t think I would end up getting in anywhere that I wanted to go and, if I did, I didn’t know how I would pay for it. Then there was the work of writing all those application essays while trying to do well in AP courses. The Telementoring Program would have been great for me. I’m glad I now have the chance to help lessen the burden for someone else. Students from low-income backgrounds need to know that it’s very, very possible to go to a prestigious college.”
—Telementor Claire Rann, Riverside, Illinois

One of the most gratifying things about the Telementoring Program is that it helps students find a college where they’ll feel at home. My mentees have a lot of questions about selecting schools, especially concerning the differences between a college and a university. I know that it’s hard to find the place that suits you. I had never heard of Amherst College before my senior year; I only found it when searching for colleges that offered political science majors, a major I had intended to pursue. I can say without doubt that financial aid made it possible for me to come here.”
—Telementor Ashley Armato, Mount Sinai, New York

As one of the nation’s leading liberal arts colleges, we know firsthand what the best colleges look for in a student. We know that your potential -- not your ability to pay -- is the key to accessing a world-class education at highly selective colleges and universities. In turn, these schools offer unparalleled resources and open doors to opportunities around the globe. To make sure that you find the best colleges and to help you navigate the application and financial aid processes, we invite you to join our Telementoring Program. The program, which is free, will connect you to trained mentors who come from backgrounds similar to yours. All mentors are Amherst College students. Many of them are the first in their families to attend college - all of them needed substantial financial aid. They’re available to help you research colleges, complete applications, and select the offer that’s right for you. You’ll communicate with them by e-mail and telephone.

Telementoring addresses four stages of the first year college application process:
1. COLLEGE SEARCH: Telementors can help you discover what’s out there, including schools that you might not even know exist. They can help you decide what you’re looking for in a school and teach you how to assess which ones match your interests and personality.
2. APPLICATION: Telementors can assist you with all aspects of the application process. Their expertise ranges from how to construct a strong application essay to how to obtain a fee waiver.
3. FINANCIAL AID: Telementors help you navigate the FAFSA, PROFILE and other financial aid applications. They also can help you interpret and compare financial aid offers, including loans and scholarships.
4. ADJUSTMENT AND SOCIAL ISSUES: Telementors can answer any questions you have about daily life at a highly selective college. Whether you want to know about the workload or how people dress, you have a peer to ask.

“Even after deciding to look beyond Texas, I did all my college research on my own. Just talking to actual college students would have been great.”

Eduardo Garcia, Telementor, Houston, Texas
Major: Latin American History

Growing up in Houston, Texas, Eduardo Garcia had never heard of Amherst College. He’d never traveled farther north than Dallas and expected to attend college in Texas. It was only through the luck of being chosen to attend a college fair for high-achieving minority students that he dis- covered Amherst and some other highly selective liberal arts schools. “The Telementoring Program would have helped me,” says Eddie. “Even after deciding to look beyond Texas, I did all my college research on my own. Just talking to actual college students would have been great.” Eddie admits that as a low-income student he was apprehensive about attending an elite New England college. What he discovered, he says, is that campus life is a “great equalizer.” Eddie explains, “We all eat the same food and take the same classes. Amherst offers us all the same opportunities.”

Originally a science major, Eddie is now studying Latin American history. “I think a lot of low-income, minority students feel that their career options are medicine or law,” he says. “At Amherst, I’ve become really interested in foreign languages. I speak Spanish and I’ve been studying French and want to take a couple semesters of Arabic. I received a fellowship that is paying for me to study in Spain for a semester and also will pay for two years of graduate school after Amherst. I’m looking toward a career in something international, maybe starting off in the Foreign Service.” As for the doors that have opened for him, Eddie intends to stride through them. “The way I see it, I have no limits. That’s the best thing Amherst College has done for me. Being given the opportunity to do anything you want—that’s amazing. The Telementoring Program allows me to help other students get that same chance.”

[Sources from Amherst College.]

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  Shenzhen Kent Consultancy Co. Ltd.  
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  P.C. : 518054              Tel : 86270330              Fax : 86270377  
  http://www.kentcg.com      Email : Xiaohong.qian@kentcg.com