Bi-weekly Newsletter from KCG
Jun. 16th - 30th, 2014


  Introduction: The bi-weekly newsletter from Kent Consultancy Group (KCG) is dedicated to share our news and best practices on serving customers as a top tier educational consulting firm. It is designed to assist you to understand more about the value propositions and mission of KCG.


12. 如何为新生选择室友和寝室?

13. 安多佛的规则和纪律方面的政策是什么?

14. 学生的安全是安多佛优先考虑的问题吗?
菲利普斯学院的公共安全专员们每周7天、每天24小时都会值班。他们会开车,骑自行车或者步行等在校区巡逻, 以确保安多佛学生的安全,每栋宿舍楼都从外面锁上,而且每栋寝室的房间都有单独的锁。由于采取这些周密的预防措施,安多佛校区里的安全问题一直都控制在最小的范围内。

15. 安多佛学生如何解决洗衣问题?

16. 有费用减免项目吗?
候选申请表(第一部分)这一项目需要收40美元申请费(国际学生是70美元),同时,所有申请就读九年级,十年级或者十一年级的申请者必须在SSAT或者ISSE标准化测试(SSAT 74美元,ISSE 65美元)这两种考试中任选其一并注册。考试的注册申请都是由不同的测试机构来操作。请注意:最近考试报名政策变化较大,取消了报名费减免。参考学生指南来确定SSAT或者ISEE的考试日期,时间和你附近的考点是很重要的, 同时鼓励学生遵守他们选择的最后期限也是很重要的。
如果您需要了解更多申请费用减免的信息,请联系招生办,电话978-749-4050 或者 您也可以发邮件到admissions@andover.edu。

17. 有哪些服务提供给残障学生?
根据美国残障人法,菲利普斯学院可以保证每一个身体有缺陷但又符合招生条件的学生来到学校后,可以享受到一定地保护而且享有权利去平等的参加某些项目和服务。如果要获得这些权利,学生必须提供文件来证明其残障程度对其本人的主要日常活动,也包括学习, 有很大的限制。(文件参考已在教育考试网站www.ets.org 里发布。)凡是向学院提供合适文件的学生都可以获得由文件所支持并在学校教育体系下合理的学业安排,学生应当在六月一日之前投递文件以便在秋季学期开始的时候能够获得住宿安排。若有学生在就读期间被诊断出有残障情况,应当向奥利佛·温戴尔·荷马图书馆二楼的残障学生服务处或者便民教育办公室的协调员提交以上所述的材料, 以便安排住宿。

18. 安多佛学生享受哪些健康服务呢?
菲利普斯的伊斯翰健康中心为所有就读期间的学生提供了急性和慢性医疗护理、全方面的健康养生、预防医学以及健康教育。校医和护理师在值班期间可以与学生预约就诊,同时,在下班期间,也会有一位医生候诊,随时根据学生的电话提供服务. 而且,在需要时,学校也可推荐当地60位医疗与牙科专家的医生团队为学生服务。拥有18个床位的医疗中心只要是在学校正常运转期间都是每天24小时开放。伊斯翰健康中心提供的服务包含了昼夜观察护理,实验室测试、X-光检测、药房、以及由持有合格证书的营养师提供营养咨询,而且还有矫正术/运动医学和皮肤病的预约诊所。

19. 安多佛提供哪些礼拜服务?
安多佛里跨宗教信仰的教会寻求在校区内响应学校社区在精神上的需求。牧师团的神职人员有来自新教,天主教和犹太教, 而且他们可以帮助来自其它宗教背景的学生满足他们的宗教需求。每个星期这些宗教社团聚集在一起做礼拜和兄弟会。而且, 安多佛会庆祝一些不同宗教日历上的一些重大事件,以及宗教服务及庆典中共同继承的价值。

20. 安多佛学生可以在校园内拥有车辆吗?
由于寄宿生被禁止在安多佛内或者附近拥有机动车辆,而走读生,如果拥有驾照, 拥有能够将车开到校园的特权。寄宿生在经过父母以及宿舍管理员的的允许后方可搭乘走读生的机动车。

21. 是否申请为寄宿生或者是走读生可以由自己决定吗?

  FAQ from Philips Academy Andover, the top boarding school in US.(continued)

12. How are roommates and dorms chosen for new students?
In the spring after a student's acceptance and matriculation, he or she will receive a roommate questionnaire, which asks about preferences, habits, and activities. Over the summer, the Dean of Students and the admission committee collaborate and make roommate and housing assignments based on the information provided.

13. What is Andover's policy on rules and discipline?
Offenses involving a student's integrity, social offenses that threaten the well-being of other individuals or the school community, or continued infractions that indicate an unwillingness to come to terms with the demands of the school all may lead to dismissal. Andover takes special care to address issues associated with alcohol and illegal drugs, both of which are forbidden. All incoming students receive a copy of the school's rules, published in The Blue Book, and are responsible for knowing and complying with its contents.

14. Is student safety a priority at Andover?
Phillips Academy Public Safety (PAPS) officers are on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They patrol the campus in cars, by bicycle, and on foot to ensure the safety of Andover students. Every dormitory is locked from the outside and each dorm room has an individual lock. As a result of these precautionary measures, issues of security on the Andover campus are kept to a minimum.

15. How do Andover students do their laundry?
Andover students may use the coin-operated washing machines and dryers located in each dorm to wash their own clothes, or they may sign up for the E&R laundry service, which returns cleaned, ironed, and folded clothes to students once a week.

16. Are fee waivers available?
An application fee of $40 ($70 for international students) is required with the Candidate Statement (Part 1). Additionally, all applicants to Grade 9, 10 or 11 must register for either the SSAT or ISEE standardized tests ($74 for SSAT, $65 for ISEE). Registration for these tests is handled through the respective testing agencies. Please note: Late registration charges, which are substantial, are not covered by the fee waiver. It is important to refer to the student guides for the SSAT or ISEE to determine the test dates, times and sites in your area and to encourage the student to meet the stated deadlines.
A fee waiver should be requested from the Phillips Academy Admission Office if the student's family gross income falls below $30,000 and/or the family believes payment of these fees will create a hardship. To request a fee waiver, a third party, who is familiar with the family's financial situation (a guidance counselor, clergyman, principal, etc.) should write to the Admission Office on behalf of the family to explain the hardship. The Admission Office will contact the family if further information is necessary.
For further information or to request a fee waiver please contact the Admission Office at 978-749-4050 or at admissions@andover.edu.

17. What services are available for students with disabilities?
The Student Disability Services/Accessible Education Office (SDS/AEO) coordinates services and accommodations for students with long-term or temporary cognitive, psychological and/or physical disabilities.
Individuals with disabilities who are otherwise qualified for admission to Phillips Academy are guaranteed certain protections and rights to equal access to programs and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). In order to access these rights, a student must present documentation indicating that the disability substantially limits some major life activity, including learning. (Documentation guidelines are posted on the Educational Testing website at www.ets.org.) Students who present the Academy with appropriate documentation will be granted those requested academic accommodations that are supported by the documentation and considered reasonable in this educational setting. Students should submit documentation by June 1st in order to receive accommodations at the start of the fall term. Students who are diagnosed with a disability during the school year should provide the above-mentioned documentation to the SDS/AEO coordinator on the second floor of the Oliver Wendell Holmes Library in order to arrange for accommodations.

18. What health services are provided for Andover students?
Isham Health Center provides acute and chronic medical care, comprehensive health maintenance, preventive medicine, and health education for all students at Phillips Academy throughout the academic year. The school physician and the nurse practitioner are available for individual appointments during office hours and a doctor is on call after hours. In addition, referrals can be made to a group of 60 consulting medical and dental specialists in the local area. The health center, with 18 beds, is open 24 hours a day while school is in session. Services provided by Isham include overnight nursing observation, lab tests, X-rays, pharmacy, nutrition counseling with a certified nutritionist, and scheduled clinics for orthopedics/sports medicine and dermatology.

19. What services of worship are offered at Andover?
The interfaith ministry of Andover seeks to be responsive to the spiritual needs of the school community. The Chaplaincy consists of clergy from Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Jewish traditions and also assists students from other backgrounds to meet their religious needs. Each week, the religious communities gather for worship and fellowship. In addition, Andover celebrates major occasions of the various religious calendars as well as common heritage and values in services and celebrations.

20. Can Andover students have cars on campus?
While boarding students may not keep motor vehicles in or near Andover, day students, who are licensed to drive, have the privilege of driving cars to campus. A boarder may ride in a day student's car with the permission of his or her parents and house counselor.

21. Is it possible to apply as either a boarding or a day student?
The decision to apply as a boarding or day student is a one-time only choice. Students residing in Andover or North Andover must apply as day students. Applicants from the following Massachusetts cities/towns have a choice: Boxford, Bradford, Dracut, Georgetown, Groveland, Haverhill, Lawrence, Lowell, Lynnfield, Methuen, Middleton, North Reading, Reading, Tewksbury, and Wilmington, and also Atkinson, Pelham, Plaistow, and Salem, New Hampshire.

[Sources from Williams College.]

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