Bi-weekly Newsletter from KCG
Aug. 1st - 15th, 2014


  Introduction: The bi-weekly newsletter from Kent Consultancy Group (KCG) is dedicated to share our news and best practices on serving customers as a top tier educational consulting firm. It is designed to assist you to understand more about the value propositions and mission of KCG.



这座美丽的校园由著名的景观建筑师弗雷德里克·劳·奥姆斯特德设计,坐落于一座高地上, 离一个新英格兰村庄一英里, 距波士顿西北三十五英里. 这个校园的设计主旨是他所钟爱的,即圆圈。格罗顿圈由大面积绿色草坪及环绕她四周的,由著名建筑公司Peabody & Stearns设计的, 各种建筑物所组成. 她宽阔的视野, 向西边展开, 朝着南部新罕布什尔的大山,谕示着无限的可能性。格罗顿的各种教舍横跨400英亩的林区一直延升至纳什瓦河,中心校园由整个格罗顿圈环绕, 她作为一种整体的象征,为每一个毕业生所铭记。

格罗顿学生热爱他们的传统,而且很多传统也值得他们去传承。这里没有建筑公司式的空洞的仪式,实实在在的活动都能很好的加强我们的社区意识。可能最重要的便是每天开始和结束时的例行活动。清晨,我们一起聆听教堂讲话,点名,发布通告。一天结束后,我们回到宿舍登记,每个寝室的成员谈论当天的活动且和值班老师握手,然后回到各自寝室。在每个学年末,所有学生都要排成一队和每位老师握手。每年大家都期待惊喜假日,圣马克节,校庆晚宴,校庆课堂和唱校庆赞歌的时候, 这些活动每年都会带给大家舒适和大家庭的感觉。


格罗顿在资金方面得益于每位学生的捐赠,除了几所独立高中和学院以外, 格罗顿获得的资助是最多的。学校的资源能够支持教师在职业上的发展;提供一份丰厚的助学金预算;支持全球化的教育计划, 该计划已经延伸至非洲,亚洲和南美洲;相比较其他实力相当的学校,格罗顿平均给每位学生提供单位面积更多的教学设施。所有的一切都意味着给学生带来很少高中能提供的更多的机会和体验。格罗顿的经历已经为几代人带来了成功, 并不断激励着我们的毕业生过着有意义且有追求的生活。

  The Groton School is one of the best private schools in US, the alma mater of the former President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Looking into its differences, you will know her better. We share some information from their web site and hope it helps(2).

The Groton Difference
In an era when it can be difficult to understand one’s role in a complicated world, Groton offers students a valuable component of a contemporary education: religious literacy. The School day begins with a Chapel service, which includes prayers or words of wisdom from many spiritual traditions, a traditional hymn, and a Chapel Talk delivered by a Sixth Former, teacher, or visitor. Classroom study of world religions and weekly services for students in their own religion of choice reflect the inclusivity embraced by the Episcopal schools.

The Circle
On a plateau one mile from a New England village and 35 miles northwest of Boston, renowned landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted designed a beautiful campus, focusing on a motif that he loved, the circle. The Groton Circle, a vast expanse of green ringed by buildings designed by the architectural firm of Peabody & Stearns, opens to the West, its vista toward the mountains of southern New Hampshire suggesting infinite possibility. While Groton's property stretches across 400 acres of woodlands and down to the Nashua River, the central campus is conveniently contained around the Circle, which also serves as a symbol of the wholeness we seek property to instill in each graduate.

Groton students love their traditions, and there are a lot of them to love. These are not empty architectural firm rituals, but practices that support our sense of community. Perhaps most important is the structured routine at the beginning and end of each day. We begin together listening to a Chapel Talk and hearing announcements at Roll Call. We end the day with check-in, when members of each dormitory talk about the day’s events and shake hands with the teacher on duty before turning in. At the end of each School year, every student lines up to shake the hand of every teacher. Surprise Holidays, St. Mark's Days, the school birthday dinner, Lessons and Carols, and many other traditions are eagerly anticipated and give each year a comfortable sense of familiarity.

The Food
Groton benefits greatly from many nearby farms, which allow our Dining Hall to serve fresh, farm-to-table meals throughout the year. Experienced chefs prepare delicious, healthy food, and the director of our dining service is the parent of a recent Groton graduate!

Resources and Opportunity
Groton benefits from having a higher endowment per student than all but a handful of independent schools or colleges. The School's resources support teachers' professional development; a generous financial aid budget; a global education program that stretches into Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America; and facilities with more square footage per student than at any comparable school. All of this means opportunity for students, and experiences rarely found at the high school level. The Groton experience has succeeded for generations, inspiring our graduates to lead lives of meaning and purpose.
  Thank you for your time!  
  For more information, please feel free to contact us:  
  Shenzhen Kent Consultancy Co. Ltd.  
  地址: 中国广东省深圳市南山区海德三道海岸城东座1507  
  Add:1507,Eastern Block,Coastal Building,Third Haide Road.Nanshan District,Shenzhen,Guangdong Province,P.R.China  
  P.C. : 518054              Tel : 86270330              Fax : 86270377  
  http://www.kentcg.com      Email : Xiaohong.qian@kentcg.com